Thursday, July 9, 2009

Benefits of Eating Slower

Benefits of Eating Slower

In the age of fast food, who would think of slow food? Apparently, about 20 years ago someone in Italy came up with the Slow Food Manifesto. Basically, it's a movement against fast food and the fast life. We move at break-neck speed and don't have time to enjoy our food anymore. This movement encourages eating real foods and eating them slower and enjoying them more.

The benefits of eating slower include: losing weight, enjoying your food, better digestion, less stress, and helping you rebel against fast food and the fast life.

Cancer Death Rate Decreased

Here's an interesting article about several reasons why the cancer death rate has dropped. One reason breast cancer has dropped is due to the decreased use of HRT (hormone replacement therapy). They have found that the benefits of using it were not worth the risks of women developing breast cancer.

“Death rates from breast and colon cancers are falling, but the death rates from pancreatic (women), liver (men and women), and esophageal cancer (men) are increasing -- largely because of the obesity epidemic. Among men, death rates for the fatal form of skin cancer melanoma are also on the rise.”

“Although there has been a decrease in lung cancer deaths among men (due to smoking-cessation efforts), the death rates for women with lung cancer are still on the rise. Lung cancer is expected to account for 26 percent of all cancer deaths in women in 2009, according to the new statistics.”

“What's more, the current obesity epidemic may fuel a rise in the rates.”

“"Fat makes extra hormones, which lead to extra cell activity and extra abnormal cell activity," she said. "Fat is a storing facility for hormonally active pollutants, so if you are overweight, you're more likely to hold on to some chemicals in the environment that enter your body from food and water."

“And that's not all: "Fat brings on puberty earlier and early puberty is a risk factor for breast cancer," Weiss said.”

"These areas of disappointment are areas of opportunity," she added. But greater efforts are needed to encourage healthy eating and exercise to help combat obesity, especially in adolescents, she said. “

You can read the whole article here The most important facts are to eat good food, avoid chemicals, and exercise.

Important Health and Weight Loss Hormone

Although I have heard of leptin before, I must say that I never knew how important it was to get it regulated in your body. I read some information about this hormone at the site manned by Dr. Mercola. Here is a quote from him:

“Leptin sends signals that reduce hunger, increase fat burning and reduce fat storage. That is, if your cells are communicating properly and can “hear” this message.”

“If you are eating a diet that is high in sugar and grains -- this is the same type of diet that will also increase inflammation in your body -- as the sugar gets metabolized in fat cells, fat releases surges in leptin. Over time, if your body is exposed to too much leptin, it will become resistant to the leptin (just as your body can become resistant to insulin).”

“When you become leptin-resistant, your body can no longer hear the messages telling it to stop eating and burn fat -- so it remains hungry and stores more fat. “

I don't know much about the Rosedale Diet, but it looks like it's a basic good food diet that emphasizes eating lean protein, fibrous carbs, and good fats – just like what we know we should be eating anyways. Here is an article at Dr. Rosedale's site that give you a little more information about leptin...

A strategic diet that emphasizes good fats and avoids blood sugar spikes coupled with targeted supplements (as recommended in my Rosedale Diet), will enhance insulin and leptin sensitivity.”

The best shake in the world just got better

The new Isa shake is now available.
I've noticed that it's easier to mix and doesn't leave any residue in my cup. Here are a list of some of the changes that make it even better:

  • 23 grams of exclusively sourced IsaPro® Complex, the highest quality whey and casein protein and a superior amino acid complex that helps you maintain and build lean body mass†

  • Lower lactose levels for easier digestion

  • Ionic Alfalfa™, our blend of over 70 supercharged trace minerals to keep your body running efficiently

  • At only 240 calories and 6 grams of fat per shake, it’s a high nutrition food that’s less than $2.75 per meal*

  • Clinically proven to support great weight-loss results and weight management**

  • Your body will love them and your kids will too

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My Weight Loss Story - How I did it and how I kept it off

I had tried to lose weight after my 3rd and 4th children and just couldn't seem to shake it no matter how much I exercised or "watched my portions". I always had this pouch in front and the more I exercised the bigger it seemed to get. Then a friend told me about a new technology that sounded too good to be true. We are all taught that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. In this case I got some amazing results that some people still don't believe.

After using a 9 day program I was able to lose 11 pounds and almost 14"! I have kept that off for over a year now and lost several more pounds and kept that off too. My energy level increased and my mental clarity improved. This has been an incredible experience. I had an awesome coach who guided me every step of the way. Once I hit my goal weight I lost additional inches. I found it easy to stay on track and incorporate this as a life plan.

See How to Shed the Pounds Without the Rebound! Body cleansing (not colon cleansing) is the key...

See How to Shed the Pounds Without the Rebound!  Body cleansing (not colon cleansing) is the key...