Friday, April 20, 2007

Little Known Secret About Why People Aren't Losing Weight

Ever been around someone who did everything right when It came to healthy eating and exercise yet still didn’t lose weight? I was one of those. I ate well. All my friends thought I was a health food nut. I exercised and was very active. I have 4 children that I chased after each day and didn’t sit down much. Yet I couldn’t lose weight, or worse yet, the pouch that I carried around at my waist was still there. Then you have people (like your spouse) telling you that you’re just eating too much. Now THAT’S helpful!

There were lots of other people out there that I saw who ate like birds and exercised religiously, but didn’t lose weight. Or they would lose 30-40 pounds and look worn out, saggy and tired only to gain it back and then some.

Why do people hold on to weight and why do those that lose end up not being able to keep it off? Well, the culprit is fat. We all know that, but do we know the scientific reason why fat stays?

I’ll try to explain it as simply as I can. We all know that toxins are all around us. They show up in our air, water and food. One hundred years ago cancer wasn’t even and issue that doctors dealt with. Pesticides weren’t used on crops and factories weren’t prevalent. Food came from your own land and you didn’t mix chemicals together and call them food like we do now.

When toxins come into our bodies they attach themselves to our organs. Fat collects around the toxins to protect the organs. Fat cells won’t leave the body unless the toxins do because the fat cells are doing their job. That’s why most people carry their weight around their midsection because that’s where the fat cells, organs and toxins are.

So the key, before you start any health or exercise plan is to get the toxins out of your body so that the fat cells will leave too. Then you can really see some results in your eating and exercise plan.

For recommendations on the best way to release these toxins from your body check out the links at the side of this blog.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Some Weight Loss Tips for You!

Weight Loss Tips -

Weigh yourself daily, preferably first thing in the morning. You will weigh the least at this time which will encourage you and you will have the motivation to eat correctly if the weight is higher than you expected. By weighing each day you can keep a better handle on what causes you to gain weight and helps you cut back a little that day if you have gained some.

Make sure you’re drinking at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day of water. If you drink coffee, make sure you drink extra since coffee is a diuretic that will deplete the water in your body. One last thing to mention about water is to drink it 1/2 hour before a meal since water can dilute your meal and flush out the enzymes.

Stalled weight loss? You might want to try eating 4 small meals a day for a week instead of 3 to set your metabolism higher. You can also use 1 scoop IsaFruits, 1 scoop IsaPro, and 1 scoop IsaLean Shake for your daily shake to help your body reset it’s metabolism. (Let me know if you have any other questions about this topic.)

Monday, April 9, 2007

Has anyone read The Weight Loss Cure by Kevin Trudeau?

Someone recently asked me to look over their copy of The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau. She was a little confused by it because the "cure" he alludes to is not available in the US and needs to be prescribed. I have only had a chance to read a few chapters. She said he basically said that he recommends cleansing our bodies from toxins (which Isagenix would do) and eating healthy. Anyone have any comments to share about their review of the book. I'll let you know when I get through the whole thing. I enjoyed his "Natural Cures" book but, of course, can't do everything that he recommends in there. We try to eat as much organic as possible but that is very limited in this area. Hope you all have a great week!


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Exercise - Who Wants it?

Of course we know everyone should exercise, but who wants to? I know lots of you probably enjoy exercising, but not me! Whenever I remember to exercise I always think of at least 10 other things I need to do and put off the exercising. Here are some tips I think we can use to help us exercise more often.

1. What kind of exercise do you like to do? Do you like to walk, run, sit, use a machine, swim, workout on the floor, watch a video, etc? Think about when you have exercised in the past and what you stuck with the most. Did you do a video only twice but took walks for a month and then gave it up? Chances are, the type of exercise you enjoy is the type that you will stick with. I like to walk and run. I don't stick with videos. The people on there get on my nerves after about 15 times of watching. I don't mind swimming but when you live 1/2 hour away from a pool it just isn't a reasonable choice. In the summer when our above ground pool is open it's a great choice for me. I get to spend some fun time with my kids while I'm exercising too.

2. Where do you prefer to exercise? In your home, a gym, at a friend's house, etc? Some of us don't like to leave the comforts of our home and others won't exercise unless they leave the house. If you know you won't exercise at home and need to get a membership somewhere, then that will work for you. It's even better if you can agree to meet a friend at the gym or meet at their house. Then you're both accountable to get there and aren't tempted to put off exercising for another day. I'm the home body type. I love to be home and know I would never use a membership to somewhere when I have to leave my house.

3. What time are you most likely to be able to exercise? It's best if you can make exercise a natural part of your day so you can develop a habit of it. If you can fit it into one of the time blocks of your day like before lunch, after work, when you're waiting for someone in your family, while dinner is in the oven, before breakfast, etc. You'll be more likely to stick with it if you know to expect it at a certain time each day.

4. Do you need variety in your exercise? Some people can run 6 miles a day and never tire of doing that each day. Others do a video 2 days a week and then swim the other 3 days of the week. And still others need to do something different each day. I recently went to walk at a local recreation center. They have a nice indoor walking track and I walked it one time and ran most of the way the next time. I thought I ran about a mile and a 1/2 because I thought for sure it was 1/4 mile around the track. Much to my chagrin, I found out later that it was only 1/10 of a mile around the track! Now THAT can get monotonous. So while I enjoy walking or running outside or in my home, walking around a 1/10 mile track over and over again is just too much boredom for me. My mini trampoline was looking really good at this point. At least I could watch TV while I was doing it.

Have you ever tried exercising with a preschooler? (Especially a boy?!) Well, it's a lot of fun. We added on to our house and now we have a good amount of space to run around. So as often as I remember and have the time to exercise I have what I call "running time" with my 5 year old son. I set the kitchen timer for 8-10 minutes and he is my "leader". He guides me all over the house and I try to keep up with him. This gets me going and keeps both of us in shape (like he needs to get in shape!). Then I usually jump on my mini-trampoline after that and finish up my work out.

To start and keep up an exercise program I think you need to answer the above questions for yourself so that you get started and stay consistent. If you don't enjoy it, it doesn't fit in with your day, and is in the wrong place, you won't keep doing it. Consistent exercise is the goal in my book. Find your niche and go out and have fun!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Why do people have so much trouble losing weight and keeping it off????

There's the question of the hour..... If diets worked we wouldn't be switching to another diet every other week. You think of the person that has lost 40-50 pounds. Do they look healthy to you? Usually their eyes look tired and their skin is baggy. And how many times do we see those same people just turn right around and put that weight right back on again? Makes you not want to lose weight to begin with.

Here's my theory and scientific knowledge of the process of how our bodies work. When toxins come into our bodies they attach themselves to our organs. Then the fat cells collect around the toxins to protect the organs. Have you ever heard of someone with a fatty liver? Where do most people carry their weight? They carry it around their mid-section where the organs are. So it makes sense that that is where the toxins and fat cells are. No amount of diet or exercise is going to get rid of those fat cells until the toxins are released. So how do you get those toxins to leave so that the fat cells will go too. I know it sounds strange but when we flood our bodies with nutrients (the proper kind, of course) the body can quit holding on to those toxins and release them along with the fat cells. I don't know exactly how it works - I just know it DOES work. The links over on the right give you my recommendation for the best way to get rid of the toxins in our bodies. The best part about getting rid of toxins is that the side effect is weight and inches loss! Now that's multitasking at it's best.

My Weight Loss Story - How I did it and how I kept it off

I had tried to lose weight after my 3rd and 4th children and just couldn't seem to shake it no matter how much I exercised or "watched my portions". I always had this pouch in front and the more I exercised the bigger it seemed to get. Then a friend told me about a new technology that sounded too good to be true. We are all taught that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. In this case I got some amazing results that some people still don't believe.

After using a 9 day program I was able to lose 11 pounds and almost 14"! I have kept that off for over a year now and lost several more pounds and kept that off too. My energy level increased and my mental clarity improved. This has been an incredible experience. I had an awesome coach who guided me every step of the way. Once I hit my goal weight I lost additional inches. I found it easy to stay on track and incorporate this as a life plan.

See How to Shed the Pounds Without the Rebound! Body cleansing (not colon cleansing) is the key...

See How to Shed the Pounds Without the Rebound!  Body cleansing (not colon cleansing) is the key...