I can't tell you the number of times our family has been helped by using homeopathic products. There have been many times that doctors have not been able to help us. We then turn to homeopathic products and find relief. Their poison ivy remedy is my favorite. It works every time!
If you're not familiar with homeopathic remedies, basically Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. It is very safe and natural to the point that even babies and pregnant women can take it. abchomeopathy.com is a great site to get more info.
Here's a great article that tells about a homeopathic pepper spray that has been effective in treating the symptoms of hay fever. I've never had it but I can sympathize with those that do.
Genetically Modified Fruits?
GM or GMO is the abbreviation for genetically modified foods. The practice started in the 1990s and has drawn national media attention. It's good for the growers but not necessarily good for the eaters :)
If you have heard of this and want to avoid them but don't know how, you can find out by reading this article - http://www.idealbite.com/
If there is a 4 digit number on the sticker, then the fruit is conventionally grown. If there is a 5 digit number beginning with 9 on the sticker, then the fruit is organic. If there is a 6 digit number beginning with 8, that means that the fruit is GM or genetically modified.
How Big Are Your Plates?
Here's an idea I heard about that makes a lot of sense. Are your plates bigger than they used to be? Many of the holiday and seasonal plates that we usually get for special occasions are often bigger than our regular plates. Why is this? Maybe we need bigger plates because we eat more during the holiday season.
I think about the size of McDonald's meals when I was a kid. Many people tell me that a "large" soft drink back then is now called "medium". "Large" fries today were called "extra large" 20 years ago.
We all know that we probably eat more than we need to eat. Some propose that controlling your portions can be done with smaller plates. The key is to trick your brain.
Try eating using a big plate or platter. Put on the same amount of food you eat every day. See if you're not tempted to eat more because your plate is not filled. Then try using a smaller plate and see if you can feel full filling a smaller plate.
Help your brain communicate with your stomach by getting a smaller plate and getting satisfied on less. I'm amazed at how little my girls eat. When they are full, they stop eating. I notice that after I have done a couple of cleanse days I am much more able to tell when I am full. My body is more sensitive to what full feels like. It's just an easy idea that I thought I would pass on to you too.
New 14 Day EZ Cleanse Program
I've attached a pdf file with this email that explains a new way of cleansing. There are NO cleanse days. The cleansing is done overnight. This might also help those with stubborn weight loss issues too. You can read it over if you like and let me know if you have any questions.
Eat More Often - Engage Your Metabolism and Much More
I look over many diet, exercise and health books each month comparing them all to Isa. Although I don't usually find anything that works better than Isa, I have found a book that compliments it pretty well. The book is called The 3-Hour Diet written by Jorge Cruise.
The basic premise is to eat every 3 hours during the day to help your metabolism work the most efficiently to help you burn off fat and calories.
He talks about how bad low carb diets are for our metabolism and how they even make us gain weight. This book is a complete guide on how to use his system to the help you increase your basal metabolic rate, increase energy levels, lower cholesterol, reduce the hormone cortisol, and suppress your appetite naturally. There are plenty of testimonials, a 30 day guide, and some great motivational quotes.
If you can't do Isa as often as you like or want to use this between cleanses, I think this is a valid system - and I don't say that very often! You can get the book here - 3-Hour Diet.
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