Thursday, April 16, 2009

Obesity and Your Tongue

Obesity Passes Through Your Tongue - A study has found that obese individuals have less sensitive taste buds, so they tend to eat more sugar to satisfy their taste buds. Leaner individuals have more sensitive taste buds and are able to eat less.

"If you sense sweetness less, you may be inclined to eat sweeter foods." Here is what one of the scientists concludes: “For instance, Hajnal points to an ever-increasing amount of fat and sugar in processed foods. The enhanced taste of these foods, he says, stimulates our taste and food reward neurons on a chronic basis, making them less sensitive over time. And what do we do when this happens?
"Instead of eating less, we seek out higher palatability," Hajnal explained. "We simply start putting an extra spoonful of sugar in our coffee."“

What causes these taste buds to get less sensitive? In my opinion (and many natural doctors too), hormones play a big role in this. If your hormones become adversely affected, then they can’t help us tell when we’re full and have a taste for healthy foods. Body cleansing can get hormones back in line, supported and working properly so that our bodies can function as they were intended.

Accupuncture works without needles - I’ve never had the need to use acupuncture nor has anyone in my family, but if we ever do, this information will be helpful. In a study of over 200 cancer patients that were treated for nausea with acupuncture, half were treated with needles and half were treated with a blunt needle that just touched the skin. 95% of both groups said that their treatment worked to help relieve nausea. Even better - “67 percent had experienced other positive effects such as improved sleep, brighter mood, and less pain.” If you’re ever in need of acupuncture treatment, this is good information to keep in mind. Here’s the whole article -

Want some Melamine for dinner? - Here’s a new one… Did you know that melamine has been added to some foods to give them artificially high protein readings? In China last fall, many babies were affected by melamine in baby formula (4 died and 54,000 were hospitalized).

Originally it was thought that melamine could not harm humans, but now many are rethinking that idea. I think the main threat from this is from food produced in China at this point. They also add melamine to meat, eggs and fish. Here’s the whole article if you want to read it

Fibromyalgia is Real - Doctors have now discovered through studies that “The imaging showed that women with the syndrome had "brain perfusion" -- or blood flow abnormalities -- compared to the healthy women. The researchers then found that these abnormalities were directly correlated with the severity of disease symptoms.”

Originally fibromyalgia was thought to have been linked to depression, but now doctors are finding that an abnormality can be found in blood flow in the brain that inhibits pain receptors.
Is the pain all in their heads? Well, now we know it starts there and affects how the brain discriminates pain….

Winning the War on Cancer - In his book Winning the War on Cancer, author Dr. Mark Sircus discusses how sodium bicarbonate can help return the body’s bicarbonate levels to normal. "Sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment focuses on delivering natural chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells while dramatically reducing the brutal side effects and costs experienced with standard chemotherapy treatments."
This is the cheapest and possibly most effective way to treat cancer, but no one is using it because it’s too cheap. Drug companies will not fund a study if they can’t eventually make some money from it. You can read more about the ebook that Dr. Sircus has written here I haven’t read it and don’t know anyone that has used it, but I thought this information was interesting enough to pass along.

Another great book that I haven’t read much of yet is called Breakthrough by Suzanne Sommers. She interviewed 8 natural doctors and picked their brains about many ailments, treatments, and weight loss concerns. The few chapters I have read have been fascinating. Maybe I’ll be able to give you a complete review next month.

EZ Cleanse Program - Now you can cleanse overnight instead of during the day. This is great for those who don’t have time to fit in a 9 day or who want a simpler way to cleanse. Let me know if you’re interested and I can send you a file that gives you all the details.
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My Weight Loss Story - How I did it and how I kept it off

I had tried to lose weight after my 3rd and 4th children and just couldn't seem to shake it no matter how much I exercised or "watched my portions". I always had this pouch in front and the more I exercised the bigger it seemed to get. Then a friend told me about a new technology that sounded too good to be true. We are all taught that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. In this case I got some amazing results that some people still don't believe.

After using a 9 day program I was able to lose 11 pounds and almost 14"! I have kept that off for over a year now and lost several more pounds and kept that off too. My energy level increased and my mental clarity improved. This has been an incredible experience. I had an awesome coach who guided me every step of the way. Once I hit my goal weight I lost additional inches. I found it easy to stay on track and incorporate this as a life plan.

See How to Shed the Pounds Without the Rebound! Body cleansing (not colon cleansing) is the key...

See How to Shed the Pounds Without the Rebound!  Body cleansing (not colon cleansing) is the key...